Transforming Leadership has a clearly defined set
of guidelines. These are reflected in its methodology for
providing scholarships and funding projects, and spelled out in
achievable performance indicators that demonstrate our
organisational effectiveness, as elaborated below.
The Board of Directors studies the applications of all
candidates, recommends only those suitable for support, reviews
the performance of those being trained, and evaluates the
achievements of their projects.
Transforming Leadership is seeking to increase
income by applying for funding from trusts and foundations, as
well as widening the database through letters, emails, on-line
appeals and the information disseminated in this website.
All administrative costs are kept below the amounts supplied by
designated administrative donations and income from the asset
The reports received from graduates have been favourable with
significant humanitarian work achieved in communities in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and through the projects being
conducted by graduates trained in Ghana, but who work in other
parts of Africa.
Annual audits are required from scholarship recipients as well
as audits from their respective training institutions. These are
assessed annually by The Board of Directors.
Accepting and implementing the recommendations of The Board of
Directors based on the annual external audit.
Developing greater diversity in the funding base so as to
generate a higher percentage of income for the organisation's
humanitarian work.
Ensuring all donations are remitted for the purpose given,
without administrative overhead being deducted to cover the
administrative costs.
Assessing the performance of leaders selected for training in
the target countries and improving their performance through
professional development pathways.
Monitoring and enhancing graduate project performance through
customized training and annual evaluations.
Transforming Leadership uses social return on
investment modelling as an evaluation methodology to effectively
assess that it is achieving its mission.
This kind of modelling enables us to focus on the training
programs and humanitarian services to ensure the priorities and
expectations of stakeholders are being met in a manner that
measures the dollar value and social value of the work. By
utilising Key Performance Indicators we are able
to monitor the qualifications and skill sets of trained community
leaders and the success of their community projects.